Featured Listings

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 2 BHK / 1100 Sq Ft

For Sale

4 BHK / 2700 Sq Ft

For Rent
For Sale

 1450 Sq Ft

Our Specialization


A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Exterior Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Furniture Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Landscape Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Site Planning

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Interior Design​

A short description to prove that you are the best.​

Our Completed Projects

Amritha Homes,Kapra

Amritha Homes,Kapra

Amritha Homes,Kapra

Amritha Homes,Kapra

Our Commitment

Committed To Keep People Happy & Safe

We Follow Best Practices

About Founders

Raju Kancharla


Tarun Raj

Managing Director

Praveen Kumar


Our Works in Progress

Science Lab Building

New York, USA

Long Gate Bridge

Malmo, SE

Enix Lawyer Building

Toronto, CA

Deep Sea Bridge

Athens, GR